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Google's $700 Million Settlement: What Android Users and US States

Google Settles 'Monopoly Charges' for $700 Million: What Android Users and 50 US States Can Expect

Google's parent company, Alphabet, has put forth a $700 million settlement proposal alongside changes to the Play Store, addressing antitrust allegations raised by customers and attorneys general from all 50 US states.

The complaint centered on Google's alleged illegal monopoly in the Android app store market, accusing the tech giant of anti-competitive practices and inflating app prices with a hefty 30% commission on Play transactions.

Here are the key details of Google's proposed settlement:

1. Compensation for Consumers: $629 Million

Google intends to allocate $629 million to compensate consumers who may have overpaid for apps or in-app purchases.

2. Payout to US States: $70 Million

States will receive $70 million at their discretion, with an additional $1 million earmarked for settlement administration.

3. Third-Party App Installation on Android: 7-Year Commitment

For the next seven years, Google commits to allowing the installation of third-party apps on Android devices through channels other than Google Play.

4. Non-Exclusivity of Google Play on Android Phones

Google will not enforce the exclusivity of Google Play on Android phones, permitting the preloading of alternative app stores. Third-party app stores will receive expanded permissions, including updates, API usage, and app installations.

5. More Control for Developers in App Distribution

Developers are no longer compelled to offer their best prices exclusively through Google Play, gaining increased freedom in app distribution.

6. Freedom for Sideloading Apps

Google will adjust prompts related to installing apps from external sources, empowering developers to inform users about better pricing available elsewhere.

7. Transparency on Google Service Fees

Developers can communicate with users outside the app, disclosing Google Play service fees and informing users about better prices, all without direct external links. These permissions will be in effect for several years.


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